
Saving Teeth with Dental Crowns

If a tooth is significantly decayed or damaged, extraction isn't always necessary. We can save the remaining enamel by using a dental crown. These caps, shaped like a tooth, are customized to mimic the appearance, feel, and function of the tooth they are covering. They also safeguard the tooth from additional damage, enabling you to maintain your natural smile for many years.

When a Filling Just Won't Suffice

Dental crowns and caps are synonymous terms. They are often required when dental problems such as decay, cracked fillings, root canals, teeth clenching, or grinding result in significant tooth damage that a dental filling cannot adequately repair. A dental crown is typically necessary in these instances to fully restore the tooth's look and functionality. The advantage is that a dental crown, once in place, resembles and feels like a natural tooth.
Crowns have other uses besides restoring a single natural tooth. They can support dental bridges, cover dental implants, or shield a cracked tooth from additional harm. A crown can also be used to restore the natural look of a discolored or stained tooth. Crowns can be crafted from various materials, including porcelain fused to a metal base, pure porcelain, or several newly developed ceramic materials.

We aim to improve your smile's look, function, and health.

Should your tooth be compromised or weakened in any way, a crown can be employed to reconstruct and enhance its look, functionality, and structure. Our office is committed to offering crowns that naturally integrate with your smile. Regardless of whether your tooth is fractured, cracked, chipped, discolored, misshapen, or suffering from severe decay, rest assured we can assist in its restoration.

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